Cassette To Usb Port Software For Mac

The latest version of the EZ Vinyl/Tape Converter for Mac exports music files directly to a location on your computer. In this guide, we'll show you how to record your vinyl or cassette tapes onto your computer and where you can find the music in iTunes. We'll also show you how to import the music into iTunes for easy transfer to a portable music player.


On MAC: Insert the Cassette2USB™ Converter CD into your computer. Go to the “AudioRecorder” folder. Double click on the appropriate “MacSetup” DMG file for your Macintosh. Then, click and drag the “Audacity” icon to your Applications folder to complete the installation.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

For a full video walkthrough of this article watch our video below:

Download the EZ Vinyl / Tape Converter

The first step is to download and install the EZ Vinyl / Tape Converter software. Use the link below to download the latest version for Windows or Mac:

EZ Vinyl / Tape Converter Walkthrough - macOS

  1. First, connect your ION turntable or cassette player to the computer using a USB cable.Once connected, power it on.
  2. Next, open and run the EZ Vinyl / Tape Converter software. A window that says step 1: get connected will open up.
  3. Press Next. In step 2: Get the music ready to play, there are two very important items that can greatly affect your recordings: GAIN and the Split recording into tracks.
    • The GAIN slider is located next to the display meter. Its purpose is to control how loud or soft the recording will be. Bringing it up will decrease it. To set the recording level, play your record or cassette tape and make sure that the meter hovers around 75% on average (where the green and yellow meet.)

      Note: It is very important to make sure the level is not This is called clipping and will cause your recordings to sound very distorted.

    • The second item is the Split recordings into tracks feature. When this box is checked out the software will automatically save time when it detects 4-6 seconds of silence This option can be used on or off. Songs with breakdowns and gaps of silence could trick the software into thinking the track is over and advance it to the next song prematurely. In this case, it is best to un-check the box and record the songs manually.

      Note: This feature may not function properly on certain types of recordings as such, live recordings, and classical music.

  4. Once the GAIN is set to the proper level and you have toggled the Split recordings into tracks or function is off, click on the you-have toggled the Split recordings into tracks or function is off, click on the record button to start recording your audio.
  5. When the recording is complete, enter the name of the Track title, Album, and Artist in the appropriate locations, then choose Next.
  6. EZ Vinyl will automatically export your tracks to your iTunes library.

Accessing your songs in iTunes

Cassette To Usb Port Software For Mac Free

With your music now recorded, you may want to transfer the music to a portable listening device. For your convenience, the songs have already been imported into your iTunes library under the Artis, Album, and Track titles you entered after completing the recording.

To access your new recording, open iTunes and select Recently Added under the Library menu on the left side of the software:

FAQ and Troubleshooting

My Mac says EZ Vinyl is from an unidentified developer and won't install. What do I do?

Cassette To Usb Drive

New Mac operating systems have more protections in place for software downloaded from the internet, but as long as the EZ Vinyl software was downloaded from our official download page, it will be safe to install. Here's how:

  1. Instead of double-clicking the installation file to install, right-click (or hold the control key and click) on the installation file.
  2. In the list that appears, click Open.
  3. Now when the 'unidentified developer' window appears, you will have an option to click Open and the installation will run anyway.
  4. Click Open to run the installation.
EZ Vinyl does not recognize my device. What do I do?

When connecting the device to your computer, you will only need the USB connection and not the RCA connection. All of the sound is transmitted through the USB port, so the RCA connection is not required. If the EZ Vinyl software still does not recognize your device, check the following:

  1. If your device comes with a power supply, make sure the power supply is connected to a wall outlet and the turntable/cassette player is powered on.
  2. Try a different USB port. Not all USB ports are the same. In most cases, the USB connection on the back of a computer or nearest to the power input is faster and more powerful.
  3. If you are using a USB hub to connect several USB devices at once, try disconnecting this and connecting the device directly to the USB port on your computer.
  4. If available, try a different USB cable.

Cassette To Usb Converter Reviews

For more assistance here, visit our full troubleshooting guide below:

Optimizing Recording Quality and Playback

When the turntable sends the sound of your record or cassette to your computer, the computer still needs to process that sound before it makes it to the EZ Vinyl software. This means that there are settings in your computer that may need to be adjusted to ensure that the sound is processed properly. If not set correctly, you may find that you get no audio signal or playback while recording.


Follow the steps below to make sure that your computers input and output devices have been properly assigned, which should eliminate any issues with sound quality or playback. If using a turntable here, first check that you have removed the protective cover from the needle before proceeding with the steps below.

  1. Click the Apple icon in the top-left corner of your computer screen.
  2. Select System Preferences...
  3. In the window that appears, select Sound.
  4. At the top of the new window that opens click on the Output tab.
  5. Click on Internal Speakers to set this as the default. (If you are using a different device for output like an audio interface, use this opportunity to select that device. Do NOT choose USB Audio Codec/PnP Audio Device here.)
  6. Select the Input tab.
  7. Click on the USB Audio Codec or PnP Audio Device to set the default.
    ???[Back to Top]
My recording stops after one minute or before the song is finished. What do I do?

If the EZ Vinyl software detects 4-6 seconds of silence, it may believe that the track has changed and automatically stop the recording and start recording a new track. If this is happening in error, go back to Step 2. Get the music ready to play do the following:

  1. Make sure that the gain is not too low. Especially with very dynamic orchestral or jazz pieces, if the quiet segments are low enough the software may register these as silence. To combat this, try to turn up the gain. Be careful not to turn it up too much or else you may start to experience distortion!
  2. If gain does not work, consider turning off the Split Recording into Tracks setting. Once this is turned off, EZ Vinyl will no longer split tracks based on silence and a button will appear on the recording page so that you can start new tracks manually.

If you are experiencing the converse of this and the EZ Vinyl is not detecting enough silence to split the tracks, you may need to turn off the Split Recording into Tracks setting and manually create new tracks as you are recording.

Usb Cassette Capture Software Download

Advanced Converting

For all ION Audio turntables without a 78 rpm setting, it is still possible to use a 3rd party software to convert your 78's.

Audacity is free third-party recording software that allows you to adjust the speed of the recorded audio, meaning that you could record the record at 33 or 45 speed and then convert it to playback at the original 78. Audacity is not included with ION products, and technical support or assistance on how to use Audacity is not available directly from ION. Audacity is available online for free from the developer’s homepage. Once you download and install the software follow these simple steps to convert your 78’s.

Recording 78 RPM Records:

  1. Download and install Audacity. This is a free and easy to use third-party recording software.
  2. Next to the microphone, set the recording source as USB Audio Codec or USB PnP Audio Device and choose 2 (stereo) recording channels to record in stereo.
  3. When you're ready, press the record button and start playing the record.
  4. After you have recorded the album, open the Edit menu then click Select and choose All.
  5. Next, open the Effect menu and choose Change Speed.
  6. Select the speed that you recorded it at (33 or 45), as well as the speed you would like it to be (78).
  7. Then press OK.

All other information on how to use the Audacity software is available on their website.

Further Technical Support

Whether you are a customer or a dealer, if you already own an ION Audio product, or if you just have pre-sales questions, the ION is here!

Support online support, phone support, email support.
