Mac Name Term Bottom Screen Dashboard App Icons

That area is called the dock. Yes you can add and remove apps to the dock but you can not have more than 5 apps in the Dock.

Mac Name Term Bottom Screen Dashboard App IconsMac name term bottom screen dashboard app icons images

Tap and hold down on an app icon until all of the apps wiggle on the screen. Then hold down on the app that you want to move and drag it where you want it to be places.You can move one app out of the dock and add another app in its place. You can also add a folder of apps into the dock. You create a folder of apps by moving one wiggling app on top of another wiggling app. After you are done moving apps, tap the home button to stop,the apps from wiggling.

On a Mac, those tools would be in the form of computer programs called “applications” (or “apps” for short). These apps are represented by little icons, which can be “docked” like little boats to the bottom of your screen. (That's why this strip of icons is called “The Dock”.). If you’re new to Macs and OS X, you may have noticed that some of your app icons in the Dock have a small black dot under them. The black dot is normally always under the Finder icon no matter what. The black dot basically indicates that the application is running.


Mac Name Term Bottom Screen Dashboard App Icons Windows 10

Just remember that you only have 5 spaces in the dock so if you want to have more than 5 apps accessible in the dock, create folders and place the folders in the dock.

The Mac Dashboard provides an easy way to see and use widgets, mini-applications that grab specific information from the Internet or help with narrow but useful tasks. The typical Dashboard arrangement includes a calendar, a clock, a translator, a flight tracker, weather, and more. You can move widgets around, add new ones, and drop old ones. You’re in charge.

To work with widgets, you just need to know a few tips:

  • To make your widgets appear, press F12. The desktop you’ve been working on grays into the background, and a layer with colorful widgets appears.

  • To add more widgets, click the plus sign in the lower-left corner. A scrolling list appears at the bottom of your screen. Click icons for widgets you want to add.

  • Click the plus sign when you want to delete widgets. When you do, all the current ones show up with an X in the upper-left corner. Click the X, and they’re gone.

  • Many widgets have a lowercase i in the lower-right corner. Click it, and the widget flips over and shows you what settings you can adjust to customize it.

Mac Name Term Bottom Screen Dashboard App Icons Free

Apple includes a collection of widgets with OS X, but many more are available from Apple’s Web site. Many are freeware, but some ask for a fee.